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SEP sesam Apollon

Apollon, the god of light and prophecy served as a template for our latest release and is the beginning of our new release series "Gods".

As an archer, he accurately hits the points in the data backup that needed to be expanded. And that's what our developers have done: Apollon includes the immutability of backups and thus extends the variety of backup options with SEP sesam.

Apollon makes your environment even more secure, ensuring optimal protection of all your data!



  • S3 Object Lock: Immutable storage of S3 - protects the data on the S3 storage

  • Restore Virus-Check with Ikarus: The data is checked again for viruses during the restore process

  • Immutability - protection of backup data from ransomware


  • Redesigned WebUI

  • GUI Optimization

  • Redesigned Simple/Advanced Mode

  • CAPS Integration


  • SEP Customer Experience Program (SCE)

  • Hyper-V Resilient Change Tracking (RCT)

  • Import of DataStores

  • Mediapool Failover/ Failover Backup Events

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SEP sesam Apollon V2 - new features and benefits for you


S3 Object Lock

Immutable Storage from S3 - Protects the data on the S3 storage. 

SEP sesam supports the Object Lock feature to protect data from modification or deletion when you back up your data to AWS, Wasabi, IBM Cloud or any other S3 compatible cloud implementation as well as any kind of S3 object storage. Object Lock is a data protection feature that allows you to customize the immutability of backup objects. The retention time can be set for a fixed period of time or indefinitely (Lock Retention) and no one can modify, delete or overwrite a backup object until its retention time has expired.

Restore Virus-check with Ikarus

  • The data is checked again for viruses during the restore, so that it is verified that no corrupted data is restored.
  • This restore virus check is added optionally. 
  • If the backup is compromised, a previous backup is restored and a new security check is performed.
  • Increased security: More virus patterns are known at the time of restore than at the time of backup.

Immutability - protection of backup data from ransomware

SEP immutable Storage (SiS)

SEP sesam Immutable Backup für direkt angeschlossenen Linux Filesystem Storage gewährleistet, dass gespeicherte Daten während ihrer gesamten Lebensdauer in ihrer ursprünglichen und unveränderten Form vollständig statisch bleiben. Das bedeutet, dass Unternehmen sich schnell von einem Ransomware-Angriff erholen können, selbst wenn Sie den Zugriff auf Ihre Daten und Server verloren haben, indem Sie gespeicherte Datenkopien verwenden, die unverändert und intakt geblieben sind, um die gesamte Betriebsumgebung wiederherzustellen. Mit SiS können die Angreifer selbst mit vollem Admin-Zugriff auf den SEP sesam Sicherungsserver die Sicherungsdaten nicht löschen oder sie in irgendeiner Weise verändern oder verschlüsseln. 

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Vollintegrierter Ransomware-Schutz für SEP sesam Backups in Microsoft Windows Umgebungen. Der Ransomware-Schutz baut auf den bewährten Application-Whitelisting (wie vom BSI empfohlen) Technologien auf und ist speziell für die Integration in SEP sesam Backup-Lösungen zugeschnitten und verhindert jegliche Änderung der Daten ohne explizite Berechtigung. Blocky4sesam™ schützt selbst dann vor Schadsoftware, wenn diese in das Programm eingedrungen ist und die Blocky-Software beschädigt wurde. 

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Redesigned WebUI

A more user-friendly design in the WebUI comes with the new version, Apollon. Among other things, you will benefit from a simplified menu structure and a combined status and dashboard.

GUI Optimization

The new version brings extensive simplifications in the WebUI. The WebUI now offers a restructured menu, modified default views, instructions for configuration, new templates and more...

Redesigned Simple/Advanced Mode

Apollon comes with a simplified Simple Mode, which is limited to the most necessary tools and is thus generally easier to use. The Advanced Mode, on the other hand, still includes the more complex functions.

CAPS Integration - for centralized use of SEP sesam from

  • Cloud App Protection Service for MS 365, Dynamis 365, Salesforce and Google Workspace is now more user-friendly centrally accessible from SEP sesam.
  • Integrated selection menu for the usable data centers (Frankfurt, Denmark, etc.)


SEP Customer Experience Program (SCE)

Hyper-V Resilient Change Tracking (RCT)

SEP sesam supports Resilient Change Tracking (RCT) for Hyper-V VM disks. At the data block level, RCT tracks changes to a VM disk (VHDX) that occur between backups. Only blocks that have changed since the last backup are backed up. This approach is more efficient and can significantly reduce disk space consumption for multiple snapshots on a single host.

Import of DataStores

  • More flexibility and simplification: Backup on disk storage (DataStores) can be imported to another backup server.
  • Fail over concepts can be set up for disaster recovery and server relocation. This is now easily available in the GUI. No complex implementation by SEP via CLI is required (usability).

Mediapool Failover/ Failover Backup Events

A media pool is a group of media of the same type that you use for backups. How you configure a media pool depends on the type of storage media you are using.

  • A failover media pool can be configured for any media pool. In the event that a media pool is not available for writing for some reason (no storage, no free media, RDS cannot be reached), another predefined media pool - a failover media pool - can be used to ensure successful backups or for migration. 
  • In addition to the failover media pool, a failover backup task event can be configured for more complex tasks. This allows you to specify more options to ensure that a task completes successfully. A failover backup task event is started when the datastore (for example, media pool or datastore) is inaccessible and the original task cannot run successfully.

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Patrick Luc

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Raymond Gumberger

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Manuel König

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